Website Testing and QA
Website Testing … check!
Website Testing or web project testing is a Quality Assurance (QA) job that Global iTech Systems performs before releasing your website. We make sure that your website is bug-free, secured ad ready to go. Besides, we give you all the instructions and documentation so you have all the core information of your website.
Our goal is to provide the best possible web product that is efficient and effective. For that reason, Website testing and QA is crucial before delivering.
We use Quality Assurance with a defined life cycle called PDCA (Plan, Do, Check & Act).
We make sure you feel confident about your product and get familiarized with it. We do the proper training to make sure there are no questions about the functionality of your website. We provide various methods of testing ranging from Manual Testing to automation.
Our best practices of QA System is as follows:
1. Security Testing & Front-end performance Testing
2. Back-end Performance Testing & Cross-browser Testing
3. RoR (Ruby on Rails) Specific Testing & Testing of best practices in Code
For more information, please contact us.